Open all-day schools

Head of division Lutz Levermann

Overall coordination Sarah Zimmer


Lutz Levermann: 02821 / 899 39 34 (Head of department)

Sarah Zimmer: 02821 / 899 39 34 (Overall coordination)


Under the sponsorship of the AWO District Association Kleve e.V., the open all-day schools offer reliable support from 8 am to 4 pm on all school days, as well as at least half of the school holidays. This program includes homework support, in which the children are instructed to work independently. In the play/leisure area, a lot of movement and common games are in the foreground.

„We want the children in their care group to feel comfortable and to participate with fun,“ says OGS Head of Division Lutz Levermann.


Übermittagbetreuung am Gocher Gymnasium: Funkelnde Sterne und „Liebe-Wünsche-Baum-Aktion“