The AWO District Association Women’s Shelter

Contact round the clock by phone at: 02821 – 12201

Nina Buil und Andrea Hermanns, Leiterin des Frauenhauses

Nina Buil and Andrea Hermanns, leaders of the women’s shelter

Office hours:
Mondays to Thursdays, 9am to 4pm
Fridays, 9am to 2.30pm

Any woman who is affected or threatened by physical and / or psychological violence can obtain information and advice. The first contact takes place by phone.

You can also email us:

Consultations are free and confidential.


Admission to the women’s shelter is possible at any time of the day or night, regardless of nationality, religion or income.

An employee will pick you up and your children at an agreed meeting point and bring them to the house. If all rooms in our house are occupied, we will provide you with telephone numbers of surrounding women’s shelters.

At you will find women’s shelters that have free capacities.

Our range:

The women’s shelter is a sheltered living space. The address of the house is anonymous and will not be disclosed to third parties. If necessary, there is a quick connection to the police.

You can move in alone or with your child(ren) to one or more rooms in the house. The kitchen, living room and bathrooms are shared. Women take care of themselves and their children.

There are regular counselling sessions with employees of the women’s shelter.

We support and accompany you with:

  • securing a livelihood
  • the clarification of your Living Situation and the housing search
  • the search for counselling centres and institutions
  • authorities, doctors and lawyers
  • questions About maintenance, custody, Separation and divorce issues
  • immigration law matters
  • educational issues
  • life after the Frauenhaus


Children who have witnessed violence or been victims to it have to deal with a separation from their usual environment. Children have their own premises in the women’s shelter and they have the opportunity to express and work on their experiences there. Care time is offered for preschool and school children, with daily homework help.

If possible bring your own:

  • Card / passport
  • Health insurance card
  • Earnings certificates, approval certificates
  • Tax card, pension insurance documents
  • Birth certificate, marriage certificate
  • Testimonies
  • Money, credit card, passbooks
  • Statements of the last three months
  • Rental contract
  • Medical certificates

For children

  • Child benefit number of the family fund
  • ID cards
  • School supplies
  • Toys

Public relations:

Information events, round tables, information stands on the work of the women’s shelter and on domestic violence take place after consultation. Please contact us in this regard.

The employees take part in Round Tables in the district of Kleve for a nonviolent home. (See:


Volunteers support us at night, on weekends and on public holidays. They can then be contacted by phone to ensure that women at risk are received at all times during the day and night. If you are interested in volunteering and want to participate, please call during our office hours.

Students and pupils have the opportunity to complete a one-year socio-pedagogical / social work placement.

Without donations, the operation of the women’s shelter is not guaranteed. Your donation means a lot and is tax deductible.

Donations account:
Sparkasse Kleve
IBAN: DE77 3245 0000 0000 1143 97

Become a member of the
AWO Women’s Shelter Association..


Jahresbericht Frauenhaus 2016

Das AWOFrauenhaus, das in Kleve 1982 eröffnete, ist eine stationäre Einrichtung, in der von häuslicher Gewalt betroffenen Frauen mit ihren Kindern Schutz, Beratung und Unterkunft auf Zeit erhalten. In dieser Zeit setzen sich die Frauen mit ihrer Situation auseinander und entwickeln bestenfalls neue Lebensperspektiven. In den mittlerweile 35 Jahre wurden 2156 Frauen und 2454 Kinder aufgenommen.

„Im vergangenen Jahr haben wir 37 Frauen und 38 Kindern bei uns vorübergehend Unterkunft gewährt“, resümiert Andrea Hermanns, Leiterin des Frauenhauses. Die Auslastung sei von rund 75 Prozent im Jahr 2015 auf 85 Prozent 2016 gestiegen. Das Gros der Frauen sei zwischen 26 und 40 Jahre alt, das Gros der Kinder bis fünf Jahre alt gewesen, Hauptaufnahmegrund war Misshandlung durch Ehemann bzw. Partner. „Erstmals zählten wir 2016 mehr ausländische als deutsche Frauen – nämlich 26 zu 19“, betont Hermanns. Die meisten Frauen seien 2016 bis zu sieben Tage geblieben, nach ihrem Aufenthalt im Frauenhaus sind acht Frauen in die alte Wohnung zurück gekehrt, acht in eine neue eigene Wohnung, neun kamen bei Freunden/Verwandten unter.

Hermanns großes Lob gilt den 13 ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterinnen: „Ohne sie könnten wir es nicht gewährleisten, rund um die Uhr erreichbar zu sein!“ Die Telefonnummer: 02821 / 12201